Saturday, July 08, 2006

Am On A High. Or Am I?

Ever heard of prose? Well, didn't know what that meant until a couple of years back. But yes, did read a lot of Shakespeare in High School. Chatted with my sister, n she thought that i'd rather cook up some prose for a change. Didn't know if I should, coz never tried that thing before. It was like trying cavear for the first time. "Hey, that might twist your tongue a little here or there, but it'll taste great once you gulp half the stuff down your throat." yuks...

ummm... but the idea wasn't that bad i guessed. I thought it was actually worth trying. So I went ahead. And boy, what a way to go. Cooked up a 4 page prose that was nothing but a sad story, supposedly ending on a bright note. The mysterious but rather mute "Death" made his appearance, and played the good guy. Strange??? Well, I wrote it. A friend of mine liked it, though.

The prose wasn't the end of the story. I thought maybe a couple of catchy lines could add some spice to my depleted poetry. So thought out and tried some inventive lines like...

"Somebody must have said it all right,
When love and happiness come your way,
You see only grief and pain,
And when they are snatched from you,
You see the beauty when it is away."
This was part of a poem that was irritatingly long and unrhymed at that. But it was kind of a prose (again) and was a sad story that (and again) ended with a bright note. Then there were some poems which I did try rhyming to some extent. They weren't extremely good, but I was still proud of the way I finished them. here's a few lines from one of them....
"The tiny hill lights are all gone,
The big city has some candles on
The world is as dead as gone
Nobody knows what he steps on...."
Well, the experimentation still goes on. Keep fumbling with words al the time with the hope that I might stumble upon a good line some fine day. Hope my wish comes true some day.
Cheers to humankind!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you rock bro, this is exactly what i was telling u...keep tapping away!!! love u sweetheart